We will meet with you and evaluate your needs. Based on your stated goals, we will propose a plan how to best attain those goals. We will discuss different options and highlight the pros and cons of each option. We will consider the scope of the project, your timeline and other limitations, and give you a realistic estimate of the expected outcome.
We will accurately identify and price your items based on our expertise and using comparable sales records from available databases.
We will organize sale of your items using the best selling platform for that item: on-site estate sale, or consignment sale. For on-site estate sale we will sort through your possessions and organize them, stage your premises to show off all the items to their best advantage, and advertise and conduct the sale. For consignment sales, we will transport accepted items to our warehouse and promote their sale both locally and online internet sales.
We will cleanup after an on-site sale, discarding all unsold items and disposing of any debris or loose items. We will cleanup neglected homes and yards so that the premises can be prepared for rental or sale. We will de-clutter and re-organize hoarders' homes to make their situations manageable.
We will give you complete accounting of all items sold or consigned, as well as how the total proceeds you are receiving from us were calculated.
Since 1993
Hawkeye's Estate Sales
In the sales and liquidations business within the Ventura, Santa Barbara, & Los Angeles Counties for over 25 years now, we are well versed with the people, the area, and the business involved with selling a wide selection of items. We welcome the opportunity to assist you. Whether you are moving after many years of accumulating possessions, or just tired of living with too much clutter, we can help. If you have a family member with life changes, we can help in those delicate emotional situations. If you are liquidating a business, we have the expertise to get the job done quickly and efficiently. If you are a property owner and need a cleanup to prepare your premises for sale or rental, we can help. Is there a hoarder in your family? We can help. Whatever your particular challenge, we are here to help make difficult situations a little easier to deal with.